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Re: [tlug] How to start mailman

Hi Lyle
> Stupid question.  I got MailMan installed, but I
> don't know how to start 
> it - typing in "mailman" doesn't do it....  I tried
> searching for "how 
> to start mailman", but so far the pages I've looked
> at are going into a 
> lot of details about this and that, but I can't find
> the first step - 
> like typing in "gqview" for the photo viewer I like.
>  So.... what are 
> the magic letters that bring mailman up?

          % cp scripts/mailman /etc/init.d/mailman
          % chkconfig --add mailman
Or are If you`re talking about apache ?

Email me off the list...I can see if I help but
only experience with RH

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