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Re: [tlug] Re: video board recommendations?

I'd like to thank everybody who recommended or discussed graphics
adapters: Tobias Diedrich, Michael Firsching, Keith Wilkinson, Godwin
Stewart,  Stuart Luppescu, and Josh Glover.

>>>>> "Tobias" == Tobias Diedrich <> writes:

    Tobias> ATI cards up to the Radeon 9200 have opensource drivers
    Tobias> with 3D support, if you want to have OpenGL without using
    Tobias> binary drivers.

Open source drivers are a big point for me, though not quite deciding,
if the company seems otherwise trustworthy and serious about
supporting XFree86.  My motherboard is Gigabyte, and in checking out
the various recommendations, it turned out that Gigabyte has a line of
ATI cards, so I went with their 9200 board. It was cheap (<Y6000 at
Tsukumo), though not quite as cheap as Jamie suggests:


and it boogies on through those mean ol' GL demos with the CPU odo not

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