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Re: [tlug] star suite 7 jpn/ open office

On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 10:42:36AM +0200, Michael Klaus Engel wrote:

>are there reasons to buy star suite instead of using open office ?

My first reaction is to just tell you to use Google, because it
sounds like you've done zero research on this.  However,
I'm feeling charitable (better take my temperature!), so:

That depends.  If is meeting your needs, then no, there
aren't, unless you just want to financially support Sun.

If is not meeting your needs, then make a list of the
needs that aren't being met and compare it to the Star Office
feature set and see if it meets those needs, or sounds like
it might.

If it sounds like it might, then you can either try to find somebody
who has it and will let you spend some time at their computer,
or you could just gamble the price ($70 in the US, IIRC) and 
find out.

If my answer seems vague, well, it's not nearly as vague as
your question, which is probably the reason it has stood
unanswered.  Your  question would have been much better (and
better received) if it displayed some evidence that you had
done research of your own, and was specific in what needs you
have.  Then, someone could give you an intelligent and
specific answer about whether there is an point in buying
Star Office.  As it stands, all I can say  is that
is fully meeting my office suite needs.  YMMV.

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