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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] cisco help needed..going crazy
- Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 23:57:57 +0900
- From: gavin <>
- Subject: [tlug] cisco help needed..going crazy
- User-agent: KMail/1.5.3
Dear Tlug, I just purchased a cisco 2514 router and 1912 switch.. I want to use it to connect to the internet and to study for the CCNA cert. I have visited the cisco site read the docs and purchased the following books and software on cisco: CCNAB self-study via cisco press cisco A beginner's guide (second edition) CCNA Virtual lab, Gold Edition CCNA: cisco certified network associate study guide, third edition Boson NetSim and SemSim Router Simulator My goal is simple, I want to replace my smoothwall box with the router and switch.. I after reading 80% of the first two books and working with the simulator software, I'm still lost on how to setup the router to connect to the internet! Are there any cisco guru's out there that can give me a verbal hand setting my router up? I have a B-flex fiber connection (dsl I think) I don't have any special routing protocol that I want to use yet.. I just want to get connected for now! diagram below |===hub== 5 workstations (students network) internet----> router--->switch------ |===hub== 3 workstations (adm w/s + 2 backup servers) help please! going crazy! Gavin Fukushimaken, Fukushima City Nankodai
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- [tlug] Re: cisco help needed..going crazy
- From: Stephen Lee
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