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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Is Linux Helping MS to make Windows better?
- Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 04:45:33 +0200
- From:
- Subject: [tlug] Is Linux Helping MS to make Windows better?
At the moment I am forced to deploy AD, Windows2003 Server and WindowsXP. During this unpleasant work, it occured to me how windows has progressed and becomes more similar to Unix in various ways, such as seperate user accounts for different services, the runas command (Windows equivalent of sudo), reduced default service configuration(Server2003), Windows Update service (->emerge, rpm, etc ...). The new service pack for Xp also activates a packet filter by default, which is another typical unix measure. In conclusion it looks to me that MS ha been influenced so much, that Windows is actually moving towards a Unix and Linux type security model. So lINux helps makes Windows better ... Patrick
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- Re: [tlug] Is Linux Helping MS to make Windows better?
- From: Martin Bähr
- Re: [tlug] Is Linux Helping MS to make Windows better?
- From: Botond Botyanszki
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