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- Date: 4 May 2004 12:41:51 +1000
- From:
- Subject: [tlug] character input q's
Greets all, As a bit of a troll I'm awaiting the upcoming lowdown on dvd burning and whatnot. In the meantime here's some q's that may or may not have some easy answers. (These are based on my current setup of jp107keyboard/canna/kinput2) 1) "Natural" input of characters. I know it can be done rather exhaustively by during modmap's of keys to romaji strings ie hitting one key would then produce a character. Is there an easier way of doing this to take advantage of the jp-10x keyboard? Anthy maybe?? 2) Incorrect character substitution in plain vs past-plain-negative/ volitional/potential etc forms of verbs ie taberu vs tabenakatta or kau vs kawanakatta If I type in taberu and hit space the correct kanji comes up and all is happy - if I type in tabenakatta the word is not recognized & I have to mess about with selecting the first part of the word for conversion and tab through the kanji. Incredibly painful and slow. Is there a better way?? I thought canna was the bee's knees! 3) Last one! kon/2 - how can you do input off the console (kinput isn't an option here?? ) and why for cryin out loud does it always default to that obscure svga setting? Is there a simple superprobe or something to get those video mode settings easily? Any help I would greatly appreciate it!! thanks again, Matthew
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