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- Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 20:59:43 +0900
- From: Daniel Quimper <>
- Subject: [tlug] Linux VPN
- Organization:
- User-agent: Opera7.23/Linux M2 build 518
Hi! I would like to make a VPN between my home and the home of a couple of friends. We all have ADSL or broadband connections, but we don't have static IPs. For the moment, I took a free Dynamic DNS from to access my machine for anywhere. Up to now, I googled a couple of VPN projects: - FreeSWAN - Linux VPN Masquerade - LinuxMagic Virtual Private Network Firewall - Wolverine Firewall and VPN Server - Securepoint Firewall and VPN Server - OpenVPN - ... My question: I would like to have your advice on which open source VPN product you are using or which projects would serve the best our puspose. And any other comments you may have on the subject. Thanks, dan...
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- Re: [tlug] Linux VPN
- From: Edward Middleton
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