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Re: [tlug] libusb and plustek sane-backend (1.0.13)

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 21:58:18 -0400, Josh Glover <> wrote:

> You can wuss out like I did and enable OSS support in the kernel
> (deprecated as it may be).

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if it's deprecated. I'm happy if
something close to what I was expecting comes out of the sound card,
although I am going to be using the box for direct-to-disk audio recording
in the not too far future so maybe I ought to look into this :)

Tip: Audacity is a mean audio editing app.

> > High priority is getting the fscking scanner working.
> Glad that someone was able to help you, and make you look the fool at the
> same time! :-P

I'm biding my time :)

It was late at night, and the neighbours had tied their dog up *outside*
their flat door, in the corridor, and the poor thing was crying until they
got home at about half past midnight. I was almost as distressed as the dog.

At least they didn't start hitting the animal but they will do later today,
almost certainly. Hitting the dog and tying him up with a leash so short he
can't even lie down without hanging himself is not a way to treat an animal
IMO and it makes me seethe with rage that people could be so thoughtless and

I'd better shut up - you don't want to get me started on these kinds of

G. Stewart   -- --
Registered Linux user #284683 (Slackware 9.0, Linux 2.6.5)
Recorded message on an answerphone: "This is not an answering
machine, this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After
the tone, think about your name, your number, and your reason
for calling.... and I'll think about returning your call."

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