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Re: [tlug] B2B e-mail solicitation response

> What only pissed me off is that he not only sent it to our general 
> addresss:
> solutions@  but also to internship-tech@  which is reserved for 
> applications
> from students as the name clearly indicates.
>> > How would you respond to the sender?

We have recieved unsolicited e-mail from your company and would ask that 
you please remove all our
Domain's e-mail addresses from the files used to make such solicitations 
as the addresses to which you
are sending are not appropriate avenues to obtain business with us.

Surely you can appreciate the problem of unwanted e-mail these days, and 
should be aware that using addresses clearly inappropriate for making a 
business solicitation to casts your company in a very unfavorable light.  
Please understand we are simply not interested in doing business with 
companies that are unable to make contacts through proper channels.

Should we receive further mail of this nature from you; we, unfortunately, 
will find it necessary to
initiate e-mail abuse complaint procedures with your provider.  We 
appreciate your understanding in this manner.


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