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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Suse blues
- Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 19:58:56 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Suse blues
- References: <><><><><>
- Organization: The XEmacs Project
- User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.5 (celeriac, linux)
>>>>> "paul" == paul arenson <> writes: paul> Most recent attempt is here--->they said to try a japanese paul> forum since they did not know. They said i needed a paul> japanese server, but even when I install in japanese I do paul> not get success. paul> big thread... paul> Mike Fabian must be on vacation. paul> People have said that you need to do this and that (make paul> sure you have this program, like canna and that), but I paul> thought if I install in Japanese, it would be automatic. Not necessarily. Not everybody who installs in Japanese wants Japanese support as a user; many servers, for example, will not need Japanese input. paul> Sometimes I get no mouse cursor in my analog screen but only paul> in my digital one. (Yet if I activate 24 bit color or use paul> my 3D accelerator--GEO FORCE something or other, I do not paul> have the option of using the digital interface, only the paul> analog). This is probably a driver problem, it will probably be the same on all Linux distros. Vendors _must_ have Microsoft drivers, but they can live without Linux drivers, so they tend to take a while before Linux has good drivers. paul> (2) Should I install WITHOUT adding additional programs? I paul> just click things that look like I might want them and then paul> get told if there is a conflict and select RESOLVE conflict. paul> But so far, no Kanji entry and the other glitches. No, that won't help. I suggest you order some pizza and beer, and invite a penguin over. Really---Linux is very stable once you get it running, but if you want the ease of installation that you get with Windows, you have to pay for it. (Local stores are charging 50,000 yen for Windows XP _Personal_, who do they think they're kidding?) One way to do that is to make friends with someone who enjoys fiddling with the machine. Or get a girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/child who does want to be a Linux guru. That's cheaper in the short run, but a girl with a computer habit can become expensive _really_ fast ("I'm sorry dear, but anything less than a 4-CPU Itanium box just won't do, I'm solving knapsack problems..."). I suggest you order up that pizza.... Free software is about sharing software with other people. It's a common misconception that only programmers have anything to share. Everyone who uses computers has something to share, and even o-taki like to have friends. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it...." paul> (3) Since I want a system that I don't have to become a paul> Linux guru to use--I just want to enjoy myself and get some paul> work done---should I opt for a DIFFERENT distribution? Yeah, buy a Mac. :-) Seriously: SuSE is an excellent distribution, they produce high quality, well-integrated packages, and (if it's any consolation) they will probably have a fixed driver for your video card before anyone else (they specialize in supporting that area of development). What you need is to have your hand held, and once you've got someone to do that, pretty much any distro will do. paul> (4) Can I just put a CD or DVD of any good installation and paul> write over it? No, because you'll have different hardware etc. Fix the installation you've got, or find someone to fix it for you. paul> I have been tempted to go back to Windows 2000, but have paul> been told it is not easy to get rid of Linux and then go paul> back to another operating system... Yes, having experienced the nirvana of an OS where you can hotswap network drivers and even change your IP address without rebooting, one where the string "Abort/Retry/Fail?" exists nowhere in the whole system, you will find it very painful to have to reboot every so often, and reinstall the whole OS every so often. Not to mention that if you bought an inexpensive box you probably didn't get a CD with the OS on it, so when you try to reinstall you'll discover that all the OS recovery and ACPI software is hosed because their hidden partitions got overwritten, and the only remedy you have is to pay the vendor's asking price. Psychologically it is indeed difficult to "get rid of your Linux" habit and go back to another operating system. But technically installing Windows over Linux is easy. All you need to do is tell the installer to format the disk first, and there will not be a trace of Linux left. What is hard to do is to _share_ a machine with Windows; Windows first tries to make Linux unbootable, and then if that doesn't work, throws a tantrum, crashes, and refuses to boot ever again. paul> I enetered SUSe in the serach engine and could not find any paul> post. Do you mean TLUG's search engine? That's broken. Doesn't matter what you enter, you will get ... nothing. paul> I do not want to spent most of my time thinking about or paul> learning the intricasies of Linux---just want it to work paul> with less trouble than Windows. *shrug* Have you heard of "crackers" and "viruses"? There are people and their software creatures out there who hate you. Windows is easy to install, easy to use at a basic level, difficult to become very expert at, impossible to use for some things, and certain to cause you and others a lot of trouble at some point. Linux will (at the current stage of Linux development) require a certain portion of your attention for a while, and after a month (if you get appropriate mentoring) what you need to do will be as automatic and undistracting as brushing your teeth. And as good for your health. :-) -- Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Ask not how you can "do" free software business; ask what your business can "do for" free software.
- Follow-Ups:
- [tlug] Ease of use: the eXPerience [was: Suse blues]
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] Suse blues
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- References:
- [tlug] Suse blues
- From: paul arenson
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