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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] japanese encoding question
- Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 17:23:13 +0900
- From: Brett Robson <>
- Subject: [tlug] japanese encoding question
Hi, I thought I had this Japanese encoding stuff sorted out but my industrious Japanese colleagues seem to find new things to confuse me. I've got a problem with a character on one of our pages that is breaking some browsers. It is a roman numeral 2, ie it looks like II but one character. Its SJIS encoding is x8755 and according to MS IME has a kuten of 1322. However JIS X 0208:1997 does not have a row 13, it jumps from row 08 to 16 (start of kanji). Does anyone know what's going on here? Where did this row 13 come from? Is row 13 a Microsoft "enhancement" or is their a latter JIS X 0208 that I can't find? Before anyone does say it, I would love them to use EUC and not SJIS. Brett -- Brett Robson Systems Administrator GOL Phone: 03-3239-6856 International: +81-3-3239-6856
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] japanese encoding question
- From: Brett Robson
- Re: [tlug] japanese encoding question
- From: Katsuhiko Momoi
- Re: [tlug] japanese encoding question
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] japanese encoding question
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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