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Re: [tlug] Email Backup with Exim

On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 03:04:06PM +0500, A. Sajjad Zaidi wrote:
> I'm in the process of setting up a mail server (Exim and Qpopper) and
> one of the requirements is to keep a copy of all outgoing and incoming
> mail.

The easiest way would be to have a system filter with an
'unseen' delivery to a file/pipe/user.  (You will probably
want to make sure it is bracketed by an 'if first_delivery' so
you don't get a copy with each retry.)

You might also be able to use a 'redirect' router that sent
the mail to some transport, with unseen set on the router.

The key in each case is the 'unseen' flag.

> I was thinking of creating a separate account that stores this, but
> couldn't find out the best way of configuring Exim for this. I found
> something about setting up a shadow transport, though it was still
> experimental at that time.

I think shadow transports only work for local transports.

See the Exim manual 42.9 "Taking copies of mail".

You are also going to have to make it difficult for users to
route around the outgoing MTA.  :-)

Also be warned that depending on jurisdiction there may be laws
governing taking the copies, user notification, and/or
retention timeframes.

Jim Tittsler                                         GPG: 0x01159DB6
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