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RE: [tlug] Re: is there a real possibility that Sco get what it claims?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen J. Turnbull [] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [tlug] Re: is there a real possibility that Sco 
> get what it claims?
> >>>>> "Shawn" == Shawn  <> writes:
>     Shawn> Clearly a change of control happened at SCO that falls
>     Shawn> within the set parameters defining such an event.
> Maybe it's clear to you; IANAL.  And guess what?  From 
>    groklaw> Of course, I'm not a lawyer, just an interested
>    groklaw> observer,[1] so do ask an attorney if all this
>    groklaw> matters to you in some important way.
>[1]  And a paralegal. -- sjt

Seems many Americans believe that by watching LA Law, The Practice and other
similar dramas, they can become legal experts.  I think most people
(including myself) are completely unqualified to give an opinion on the
legal argument of the case.

Also, even if SCO wins, the effect may not be felt in other countries, as
their justice systems are independent and may differ from that of the US. In
Germany for instance there is a restraining order, which forbids SCO to make
statements like linux infringes SCO copyright.

For my part I simply sit back and wait until a judgement is made - after
that there is still time to think and discuss.


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