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Re: [tlug] printserver setup.. how?

> does anyone know how to setup a "Buffalo LPV2-T1" print server.. all the 
> directions are in Japanese and I've been trying for the last 3 weeks. if 
> possible step by step instructions would be nice.. 

here is an easy translation from buffalo's web site.
hope this instruction would help you...

Factory default settings.
MAC Address:       Printed on a sticker of LPV2's back side.
Print Server Name: PS-xxxxxx
Printer Port Name: PS-xxxxxx-P1
Port Number:       515
IP Address:        (Automatically get from DHCP/BOOTP/RARP Server)
* xxxxxx means last 6 characters of its MAC Address.

How to print
1. Set LPV2's IP Address.
   format: arp -s [IP Address] [MAC Address]
   example) arp -s 00:60:1D:23:BA:42

   IP Address must be set except ''.
   If the Address is set so, LPV2 can not accept a print command.

2. Test the setting.
   format: ping [IP Address]
   example) ping

3. Edit '/etc/hosts' file.
   Add the line below.
   format: [IP Address] [Domain Name] [AirP's Server Name]
   example) LPV

4. Edit '/etc/printcap' file.
   Add the line below.
   LPV | LPV Line printer\:lp=:rm=LPV:sd=/usr/spool/LPV:rp=PS-23BA42-P1:
   lp(local printer):
     Specify a device name of local printer.
     Doesn't need to specify for network printer.
   rm(remote PC)
     Specify LPV host name, or LPV's IP Address.
   sd(spool directory)
     Specify spool directory.
     The directory *should be prepared* before printing.
   rp(remote printer)
     Specify connected port of printer.

5. Enable settings.
   format: lpc restart [AirP's Server Name]
   lpc restart LPV

6. Do print.
   lpr -PLPV <file name>


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