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Re: [tlug] RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]

Wed, 14 Jan 2004 18:10:24 -0800 scripsit Jonathan Byrne:

> I have a long list of reasons why I dislike Mandrake...

Not to mention the idiotic behaviour of HWS[1]-Linux 9.0 when I tried to
install it for a newbie friend who insisted that he wanted HWS.... The
installer refused outright to let me have /root on a separate partition,
claiming that it *had* to be a subdirectory of /. Since when????

I've also been spammed by Mandrakesoft so that rules them out (a
spokescritter of theirs claimed I opted in but fell silent when I asked for
a copy of my confirmation e-mail complete with headers or the extract of
their web log with my IP address).

[1] - "Hood Welded Shut" Linux.

G. Stewart   -- --
Registered Linux user #284683 (Slackware 9.0, Linux 2.4.23)
The average nutritional value of promises is roughly zero.

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