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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 10:57:43 +0900
- From: "Alfred Rodriguez" <>
- Subject: [tlug] RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]
> Oracle in VMware???? please let us know how it goes. sure... ill let the list know about it as soon as i get it running (sched: this weekend) >Skip Lindows, too. If you aren't dumb when you start >using it, you will be after a while :-) Probably owned, >too, since the default user is root, and they don't talk >much about security or why that's a bad idea. yeah... i installed Lindows moments ago - and god, i guess i would classify it more as bloatware than anything else. "so slow" to say the least. i mean, everything that what makes linux Linux is all hidden behind the GUI. and yes, it seems to crash a lot. >I agree, skip TurboLinux, it's dying. I'm surprised they've >survived this long. Mandrake. Pffft. They put in stuff >that's too bleeding edge for Debian Unstable, then release >it on their target audience (newbies). is that so... when i was searching the net for the various distributions available, TurboLinux is most widely-used in Japan and China... it couldn't be dying, could it? as for Mandrake - it seems like a pretty good system, with all the reviews ive been reading on the net. or maybe it is more of a desktop system, then? >You'll use all that memory for Oracle :-) Now, if you want >to use Oracle your choices become more limited. Miracle Linux >is their reference distro, and they are certified on Red Hat >Enterprise (Server only?). On AFAIK anything else, it may work >but is unsupported. would try out miracle linux - really havent heard much about it
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- Re: [tlug] RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]
- From: A. Sajjad Zaidi
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