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Re: [tlug] Japanese with gtk+ and gtk+2

On Sunday, January 4, 2004, at 10:43 AM, David Oftedal wrote:

> You could always see my howto at 
> ... It describes how to install the XIM/GTK2+ input method uim-anthy, 
> which doesn't depend on either Wnn or Canna, but on a library called 
> anthy.
> However, the howto is geared towards Gentoo users, and installation 
> will be completely different for most Linux users.

Thank you for the useful info.  However, what I really want is what 
Gentoo does to gtk+/gtk+2 when you set USE="cjk" in make.conf.  Have 
you got any idea?

+ BABA Yoshihiko
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