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RE: [tlug] Backup to IDE HD instead of Tape

> On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 03:30  PM,
> wrote:

> > I utilise all the latest technology available in Akiba (250GB SATA
> > drives &
> > 3ware SATA RAID), but with a budget of +-300,000 Yen still
> well below
> > the
> > price of a DDS4, Ultrium or a Tape Library.

> I saw those SATA drives at Com/3 on DIY, IIRC.  Takaiyo!
> Did you consider going with the 120GB disks until the price
> comes down
> on the 250's? I figured that by the time they fill the 120GB,
> the 250GB
> will be about 10,000 yen.

>I considered the 200 GB ones as the 250GB were not stocked well.  The
>case is pretty cramped so I needed to go for the biggest ones to get 500GB.
>with Raid 5.  The controller can accomodate up to 8 drives, so if I change
>the case I can add some more storage later.  The idea is to be able to pass
>off the additional HDs as "replacement/upgrade" so that they do not go into
>the Asset register, but are instead booked as "Accesories" into accounts.
>So I can buy more of them spread over the year / next year.  I definetly
>need a hot and a cold spare, but wait a while for strategic reasons ;-)

I hung onto this message originally posted months ago because I found it
interesting, I was wondering patrick, how fast can you backup onto this

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