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Re: [tlug] sylpheed-gtk2

Botond Botyanszki wrote:

> On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 12:44:37 +0200
> Ulrich Plate <> wrote:
> > Does it go as far as support for multilingual emails? Like,
> > French/German diacritical characters *and* Japanese? Please? :)
> Yes. That's one of the main reasons I want a stable and usable GTK2
> version of it. 

Ok, I made it from 0.9.4 sources and Takuro Ashie's diff dated 2 August.
Thanks to, I even had an ebuild to fall back on. :) I
volunteer as a beta-tester, have you set up a mailing list for that?
Can't very well pester TLUG with this for very long before someone yells
"take it outside, boys"... :) I hope you'll allow me some first
observations here:

1.) I've got me Japanese subject lines in both the overview and the
preview/message windows now (GTK1 Sylpheed displayed the subject line
correctly for unread messages, but garbled subject lines only in the
overview window once they were marked as read).
2.) Yes, it displays Japanese/German/French in the message view (that
part already worked before GTK2, too).
3.) Yes, it keeps all character sets in quoted replies (before, lines
containing e.g. German diacritical marks disappeared entirely...)
4.) I can cut and paste from Japanese and German/French text into the
compose window (but not with a middle-button paste, only ctrl-c -->
ctrl-v works): 最高性能!äöüßÄÖÜàçéè
5.) I can input Japanese (over the spot, much better than before!) with
kinput2, but am unable to type German or French special characters after
changing the keyboard layout (KDE user here, sorry bout that... *grin*)
6.) Scanning folders takes way too long. That wasn't a problem in
pre-GTK2 Sylpheed, even on folders > 10,000 messages, now it's a real
long wait each time I change folders.
7.) Shift-n hops to the next unread message as usual, but is unable to
jump to the next folder containing new messages. I have to manually
click on the folder, then shift-n works again.

If you spot anything that's easily solved because I made a mistake (I'd
concede a high probability on that any time...), please let me know. 6.)
has me a little worried, though...

Ulrich Plate

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