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[OT] Terrific - was: [tlug] email programs

And Thus Spake "J. David Beutel" <> (on Mon, 26 May 2003
16:14:21 +0900 (JST)):

> Main Entry: ter?rif?ic
> Pronunciation: t&-'ri-fik
> Function: adjective
> Etymology: Latin terrificus, from terrEre to frighten
> Date: 1667
> 1 a : very bad : FRIGHTFUL b : exciting or fit to excite fear or awe
> 2 : EXTRAORDINARY <terrific speed>
> 3 : unusually fine : MAGNIFICENT <terrific weather>

It's a bit like the French word "Formidable" which means exactly the same
things - in both the good and bad senses.

What's so astounding is that the French don't know their own language, let
alone any foreign languages, and I, the English 16 year old kid in his first
year of school in France, had to explain to my fellow classmates what
"formidable" really meant on one occasion because they didn't understand the


G. Stewart   -- --
Registered Linux user #284683
The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.

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