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Re: [tlug] hardware

On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 07:09:52PM +0700, Jonathan Q wrote:
> Stuff to avoid:
> - Any NIC with a Realtek chip (has a little crab logo on it; most budget
> cards these days use them, so look for one that doesn't).  Via Rhine is

Their recent 8100x chips are considerably better than the
8129/8139 that I suspect you are thinking of.  (But I'd also
rather have 3Com or intel NICs if the budget allows.)

> Not many people at not many shops know much about Linux.  People
> at Plathome (> should, but on the other hand,

The other shop that I would recommend is User's Side
(They also have a small shop in Ebisu that offers English
language help.)

Jim Tittsler                                         GPG: 0x01159DB6
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