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Re: [tlug] Webradio

On Tue, 6 May 2003 13:41:29 +0900
"Michael Engel" <> wrote:
Subject: [tlug] Webradio
> Hello
> I would like to have a webradio without fear that the machine being
> compromised when online for many hours a day.
> I would like to have a simple computer without harddisk which "installs"
> Linux from a CDR, connects to an internet provider, then to a radio stream.
> Is this technically feasible ? Or is it just a dream ?

The Movix2 distro will do that, I'm pretty sure, though it's really a (quite good) movie playing distro.  
It can boot just from CD with no HD and has no services enabled.
(I know it has the boot option of using the network via dhcp, which you'd need to enable.)
Can MPlayer play web radio? Not sure.
I don't have a copy on hand, or I would see what other players come with it.  It may have XMMS, or you could add it and re-burn the disk, I suppose.

As another option, what about creating a very unprivileged user and running a command-line radio player using screen?


> Proposals which Linux (OS, Kernel) to use ?
> Thank you for any advice.
> Michael
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Jim O'Connell
Global Dining System Support
jim at global-dining dot co dot jp
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