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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] java font properties and RH8 // encoding trouble
- Date: 20 Apr 2003 22:48:58 +0900
- From: Shawn <>
- Subject: [tlug] java font properties and RH8 // encoding trouble
- Organization:
Does anyone have a java file that can be used with Red Hat8 (and kochi Japanese fonts)? I installed the watanabe and wadalab fonts that I could find but they must not have been the full set as I still get errors like: Warning: Cannot convert string "-watanabe-mincho-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0" to type FontStruct Yes I did: ttmkfdir > fonts.scale mkfontdir The font is just not there. Any advice on uninstalling the rpm and installing the earlier 7.3 version with those fonts? ALSO, ANOTHER LINUX/JAPANESE RELATED JAVA QUESTION: If I write a file with: BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(""),"Shift_JIS")); And then compile it with: javac -encoding SJIS and then load it into a midp application on a mobile, the characters in and in the mobile come out as & #45674; I am running linux from in an English Shell, would it make a difference if I set my language to be Japanese in that shell?!? If I save that same file manually with JEDIT (java open source word processor etc.) in SJIS -- all is happy and the code in the file is unreadable to me (because of my English system) but runs on the mobile just fine. Is this a bug? Limitation of Java?? Error on my part??? TIA Shawn <>
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