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Re: [tlug] iptables: port forwarding


I wrote:
> I think your server replied with source port 22(ssh).
> But it must be masqueraded to 80.
> So, try this:
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --sport 22 
> -d 
> -j SNAT --to IP.Address.Of.The.Server:80

I was wrong about it.

The original script is correct 
and must work for it.
(I tried today and it worked with my linux box.)

I have thought REDIRECT target take care of 
incoming packet only.
But as David Santinoli posted before,
REDIRECT implicitly rewrite reverse trafic.

Then, what is wrong is firewall... maybe.
I'm sorry for bringing confusion.

Susumu ISHIZUKA <>

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