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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: Re: [tlug] Business applications of Linux
- Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 15:24:56 +0900
- From: <>
- Subject: Re: Re: [tlug] Business applications of Linux
> > From: Henri Servomaa <> > Date: 2003/04/11 金 午後 02:26:08 GMT+09:00 > To: > Subject: Re: [tlug] Business applications of Linux > > wrote: > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: [] > > > Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 11:22 AM > > > To: > > > Subject: Re: [tlug] Business applications of Linux > > > > Hi, > > > > I recently came across an article which said that lot of companies > > > > were switching to Linux in Japan. I was just wondering what > > > kind of > > > > applications might be used and what areas Linux is being > > > used in the > > > > companies. I would appreciate any input. > > > > > > I'm contracting as a 'database engineer' and I recently > > > convinced my client, a medium-sized company, to upgrade thier > > > DBs from Oracle8i on HP-UX to Oracle9i on Linux servers > > > (Miracle Linux). > > > > > > > What was the reason for the switch? Cheaper Hardware or Software License? > > OS consolidation? > > I would love to hear more too. Not as much the (possibly confidential) > details > but the grand theme of things. > For ex. how long have you run Miracle, are there any stability or other > issues > and what are the "sizes" of the db installations, and have you actually > managed to lower operational costs with this, etc. I'm uncomfortable revealing too much about my client's operations on a board like this, but here's what I can tell you: The DBs in question are not all that big. They support systems that are best described as web-based and OLTP-like. The DB objects total just under 1 gig for each DB (there are 3 of them). When the executives of this company asked me my opionion on upgrading Oracle from 8i to 9i I said "Go for it, but if you're considering that kind of DB migration you might as well switch to Linux servers in the process and you'll save a bundle between the 'for Linux' pricing structure from Oracle and the fact that Linux servers will be less expensive to maintain than the HP-UX servers." The new hardware has been ordered, but it hasn't been delivered yet. I have not worked with Miralce Linux before, but it is based on Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 . To sum it up: less expensive hardware and lower licensing costs drove the decision to swith to Linux.
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