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Re: [tlug] Windows Japanese file name

>Is there any file manager I can use to view
>these files correctly in Linux?
First of all, you CAN use kterm in SJIS mode (Middle-click and use the 
menu to enable it, I think), umm, but... It only works on the INPUT 
line, not the large output area. It's really weird.

Or try LC_ALL=ja_JP.sjis LANG=ja_JP.sjis <gnome-terminal, konqueror, or 
whatever terminal/file manager you're using>

This is probably your best bet, but let's say that the SJIS encoding 
isn't a priority on Linux. Most systems use EUC_JP or UTF-8.

Alternatively, you could use Red Hat 8 with UTF-8 and convert the 
filenames manually to UTF-8 like I do. I mean, Windows has gotta convert 
to UTF-8 SOMEtime, right?


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