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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] im-ja: A Japanese input module for GTK2
- Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:16:21 +0900
- From: Botond Botyanszki <>
- Subject: [tlug] im-ja: A Japanese input module for GTK2
- Organization: Kobe University
Last week I have been bored at my lab, so I have hacked together a Japanese input module for GTK2 (and thus GNOME2). Advantages: You don't need kinput2. You can use it in an environment that gtk supports, like framebuffer devices, etc. Drawbacks: only works with gtk2. im-ja aims to be a generic Japanese input module for GTK+2. Currently supported input modes are: * Hiragana * Katakana * Zenkaku * Canna (Using the Canna conversion engine) * Kanji character recognition (based on Kanjipad) Further goals are to implement all of the most widely used Japanese input methods such as [free]wnn, atok, etc. Screenshot: Source and debian packages are at
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] im-ja: A Japanese input module for GTK2
- From: David Oftedal
- Re: [tlug] im-ja: First bug report
- From: David Oftedal
- Re: [tlug] im-ja: A Japanese input module for GTK2
- From: Ryan Shaw
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