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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
- Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 21:43:42 -0800
- From: "Brett Robson" <>
- Subject: RE: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
> From: Jonathan Q [] > On 1/22/2003, "Jim Breen" <> wrote: > > > > >Well that's about the only way you *can* harvest kangaroos. > You have to > >fire from a moving vehicle in hot pursuit of them. > > I take it you can't get close enough for a still shot? You can, but you will only get one shot. After that there won't be another kangaroo within 100km. > Helicopter hunting > would probably be pretty effective, if a bit expensive. No really. But 'roos don't move smoothly enough. Helicopters equipped with Debian servers are used for hunting some feral animals, buffalo, camels, donkeys, and American tourists. That's a joke they don't use helicopters to hunt Americans, it's not sporting. I'd tell a story about a troop of kangaroos moving into a live fire ambush I did when I was in the Army, but I can't tie in Linux. The kanagroos won. > And now, to take a stab at keeping this on-topic, does > anyone/can anyone raise > kangaroos as a commercial food animal? If so, they could use > a Linux-based > management system to track the operations of the 'roo farm :-) How high would you have to build a fence to fence in Kangaroos? > I haven't had crow, but the same restaurant where I had > kangaroo also served > pigeon, and I tried that. Not bad, but awfully small. > Hardly worth the > effort. What's the grand prix reference? For that matter, what's the > background of sand-groper and crow-eater? I'll leave the > Linux tie-in to you > :-) South Australia used Sun Unix systems extensively to get the F1 series brought to Adelaide. To reduce costs they later moved to Red Hat, version 6 was the first version they used. There has alway been animosity between Sth Aust and Uvatoria because Uvatoria has always been a BSB orientated state, maybe because of the lousey weather. Afer 10 years(?) they convinced the F1 people to move the Grand Prix to Melbourne. No one is really sure who was more upset the Sth Australians for losing it, or the Uvatorians for getting it. They tried using FreeBSB to run the Grand Prix and consquently it has been a diaster. This has been very common, Uvatoria steals major events, ports them to FreeBSB and stuffs them up. The Motor Bike Grand Prix being a fine example. Crow-eater is a term for Sth Australians, no idea where that came from. Sand Gropers are Western Australian, because the whole state is either beach or desert, depending on how close to the ocean you are. Western Australians are cool 'cause they understand how good System V is.
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- Re: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
- From: Josh Glover
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