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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
- Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 12:01:44 +0700
- From: "Jonathan Q" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
On 1/22/2003, "Jim Breen" <> wrote: > >Well that's about the only way you *can* harvest kangaroos. You have to >fire from a moving vehicle in hot pursuit of them. I take it you can't get close enough for a still shot? Helicopter hunting would probably be pretty effective, if a bit expensive. And now, to take a stab at keeping this on-topic, does anyone/can anyone raise kangaroos as a commercial food animal? If so, they could use a Linux-based management system to track the operations of the 'roo farm :-) >>> From: "Brett Robson" <> >>> Exuse me "grand-prix-thief", but we are "crow-eaters", the "sand-gropers" are further to the west. I haven't had crow, but the same restaurant where I had kangaroo also served pigeon, and I tried that. Not bad, but awfully small. Hardly worth the effort. What's the grand prix reference? For that matter, what's the background of sand-groper and crow-eater? I'll leave the Linux tie-in to you :-) Jonathan
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
- From: Stuart Bouyer
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- Re: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)
- From: Jim Breen
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