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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Gentoo Shinnenkai this coming Friday: DETAILS
- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 15:28:44 +0900
- From: Ulrich Plate <>
- Subject: [tlug] Gentoo Shinnenkai this coming Friday: DETAILS
Ladies and Gentoomen! :) GentooJP spiritus rector Nakano-san has booked a place in Shinjuku for the new year's celebration dinner bash key-signing party thing we announced earlier. By the way, the last head-count included 6 TLUGers who confirmed their attendance either to me or to Nakano-san. Anybody who hasn't RSVPed yet: You know who you are, you do it yourself. A short mail to will be highly appreciated. Here are the details: (added English for your convenience) $B=89gF|;~!'(B 2003/1/17($B6b(B) 19$B;~(B Date/Time: 17 Jan 2003 19:00 $B=89g>l=j!'(B JR$B?7=I1XEl8}2<,500 $B>l=j!'(B $B%@%$%K%s%0%P!<;04VF2?7=IE9(B( Venue: Dainingubaa (ok, ok, I'll stop this) Sangendo Shinjuku $BM=;;!'(B 5000$B1_$/$i$$(B Cost: approx. 5000 Yen $B6[5^O"!';d$N7HBS(B(090-9964-9869) Emergency phone number: Nakano-san's keitai (090-9964-9869) $B0J>e(B Nothing to see below, move along. :) Cheers Ulrich Plate -- gpg --keyserver --recv-key CF7D6206 Fingerprint CDD6 3225 3489 1305 D4D6 1CCF 50E8 6505 CF7D 6206 Attachment: pgp00037.pgp
Description: PGP signature
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