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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE: [tlug] Linux Antivirus
- Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 03:06:56 +0100
- From:
- Subject: RE: [tlug] Linux Antivirus
I use "Antivir" which comes with Suse Linux. You should download the latest version from the makers website and run the easy to use installation program. It will automatically update itself and send notifications about various events (updates, infections, ...). With Suse its easy to include it into AMAVIS to scan all mail going through your MTA (postfix in my case). For non-profit use this software is free, even the updates! -------FROM------------------------------- Patrick Niessen IT-Manager / Planning & Controlling Gerling Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG, Japan Branch ???????????????? ???? TEL. +81-3-5214-1361 / FAX. +81-3-5214-1365 URL:
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