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[tlug] w00t; it works

On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 01:27:09PM +0900, Jim BLACKSON wrote:
> The HexaMedia Drive presents four LUNs to the system.  You need to have
> support for multiple SCSI LUNs enabled in the kernel.  Many recent reports
> on Linux-usb-users say stock kernels do not have multiple SCSI LUNs enabled.
> Please see the following message for a possible solution. 
> SmartMedia on the HMD is the second LUN, so probably would appear as
> /dev/sdb once multiple SCSI LUNs is working.  Try mounting /dev/sdb or
> /dev/sdb1 as a vfat file system.

Yes, once I enabled probing of all LUNs, the reader has been working 
like a charm.  Thanks for your help; now I'm a proud and happy HexaMedia


Yuji Carlos Kosugi <>
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