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RE: [tlug] dynamic ip address is static

Use a dynamic DNS service to fake it.  Will probably cost a few dollars
but cheaper than paying NTT for a real IP number.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: nmacphee [] 
> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: [tlug] dynamic ip address is static
> Hello
> I will be getting my new internet connection, bflets new 
> family 100mbps next 
> week. Cant wait! I will be using gol, coz of a good 
> recommendation from here 
> and the great english speaking support staff  (alan was the 
> nice man I talked 
> with). Also their tech team is apparently all unix geeks! 
> : )
> Anyway, they said that though gol only give out static ip 
> addresses for their 
> corporate accounts (30 000 yen a month I think!) the ones that they 
> dynamically allocate actually seldom change numbers so, for 
> things like net 
> meeting they are good enough...
> Please sound off on this. I would like to hear your opinions!
> neil macphee
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