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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Disk I/O bottleneck: how to solve?
- Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 14:45:21 +0900
- From: "Jean-Christian Imbeault" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Disk I/O bottleneck: how to solve?
One of my machines has been showing poor performance lately and I think I've pinned the problem down to a hard disk I/O bottleneck. The hard drive is already pretty fast (ATA-100 7,200 rpm). I only have two drives bays and both are in use so trying to speed things with RAID are not an option. I could upgrade the hardware but I don't think there are any faster IDE drives (I heard that ATA-133 is really only about 5% faster that ATA-100). I *could* go SCSI but since it is a much more expensive option it would need to be a big imporvement in speed. I was wondering if the were any software options? My machine has a lot of free RAM and I was wondering if there was any way to make the kernel use more RAM as a disk buffer? My machine always has at last 200M of free RAM (total of 512M) so using that as a disk buffer could really speed things up. Is it possible? If there are other solutions I have overlooked please let me know ofoucrse ;) Jc _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
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- Re: [tlug] Disk I/O bottleneck: how to solve?
- From: David Beutel
- Re: [tlug] Disk I/O bottleneck: how to solve?
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- Re: [tlug] Disk I/O bottleneck: how to solve?
- From: mauro
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