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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] zaurus sl-5500, linux and ntt docomo
- Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 21:10:21 -1000 (HST)
- From:
- Subject: [tlug] zaurus sl-5500, linux and ntt docomo
i recently picked up one of the sharp linux pda's with wireless card while travelling in the states. very cool. i'm curious whether anyone knew whether ntt's "hotspot" 802.11a/b service had actually become a service yet? does anyone know if/when the softbank/mcdonalds wireless deal goes live? on a related note, has anyone tested the compact flash ntt docomo network units on a sl-5500? i'm curious whether the driver for it will be specific to the japanese linux rom image used in the sl-a300. bruce
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] zaurus sl-5500, linux and ntt docomo
- From: Ulrich Plate
- Re: [tlug] zaurus sl-5500, linux and ntt docomo
- From: tim
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