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[tlug] Problem with Gentoo's ebuild for kterm?

Howdy folks.  As some of you know, I have a page about inputting
Japanese in RedHat and Gentoo. I got an email today from someone who had
been having no luck with Japanese in Gentoo.  He had emerged (Gentoo's
apt-get) kterm, however, when he hit shift + space, nothing happened.

Wondering if he'd neglected something obvious, like not starting kinput,
etc, I tried it myself.  In the interim, I wrote back to him and asked
him to try rxvt and see if he had any luck with it.  

So, I emerged kterm, and gave it a try.  My Gentoo box starts
cannaserver at boot and the first line in my .xinitrc is 
kinput2 -canna &

I call rxvt with


a little script that I call langx, so I call it with langx rxvt -fg
white -bg black.  Doing that, rxvt inputs Japanese with no trouble.

I emerged kterm (I didn't watch the process of the ebuild, but there
were no stop errors--that is, at the end of an ebuild, if it's
successful, the program is installed.)  Calling it from a command line,
both with and without the langx script produced the same effect--hitting
shift + space produced nothing.  I tried it with both white on black and
the default white on black, wondering if the conversion might wind up
being the same color as the background.  Nothing happens.

I've dropped a letter to the gentoo developer, asking if I'm missing
something obvious--but at any rate, wondering if any other Gentoo users
have tried using it, and if so, what were their results.  

Thanks for any input


PGP keyID EB3467D6

Harmony: Why have you come to our lonely, small town, which
has no post office and very few exports?

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