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- Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 20:03:29 +0900
- From: "hatsuhiro" <>
- Subject: [tlug] /usr
We suppose such a situation as to manage a diskless system with a single HDD among several machines in a local network for a small group. The question was which directories are convenient to share among the machines and which shouldn't be.---------- Categories ----------/{boot, etc, proc, tmp, var} are machine-specific, non-sharable./{bin, dev, lib, opt, sbin} can be read-only sharable./{home, root} can be read-wright sharable.------------------------------ tell me if wrong.I had tried sharing /usr among diskless clients and an NFS server, then the GUI doesn't work properly at all. After that, only sharing /{root, home (rw), opt (ro)} does well for a short test.However, the directory /usr occupies 66% in capacity of the whole / in Slack,8, /opt 30%, and the others 3% approximately. Though the directory /usr is complicated, can we disscuss more about its subdirectories? The key point to save a single HD is to share /usr as much as possible. The directory should be devided into the categories.Hoshino
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- Re: [tlug] /usr
- From: Mauro David Sauco
- Re: [tlug] /usr
- From: BABA Yoshihiko
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