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RE: [tlug] Apache: getting http and https (SSL) to work at the same time

Jean Christian,

That worked for you?

I have been having the same problem and am starting to feel like kind of

apachectl startssl

does absolutely nothing for me but give me a list of usage options startssl
is not one of them.

I am running Apache 1.3.22 also on RH 7.2
OpenSSL 0.9.6b [engine] 9 Jul 2001

I am pretty sure SSL is running correctly because I can access https from
the local machine, however I cannot access it from any other machine.  I
believe http.conf is also setup correctly.

It is as if port 443 was being blocked by a router or firewall, but it would
have to be on the local machine cause I have tried even using a cross over
cable so nothing is between the host and the client only to get the same
problem.  I am totally stuck, but I think it is probably something obvious I
have overlooked, some routing or security issue?

Any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Christian Imbeault []
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [tlug] Apache: getting http and https (SSL) to work at the
same time

>From: Godwin Stewart <>
>apachectl start: Starts apache to serve *only* HTTP
>apachectl startssl: Starts apache to serve both HTTP and HTTPS

Just tested out your theory and you are absolutely right monsieur! Thanks
for clearing that up for me.


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