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- Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 14:39:59 +0000
- From: Jack Morgan <>
- Subject: [tlug] hardware/software raid
- User-agent: Mutt/1.4i
I was installing NetBSD on my server at home which has a hpt370 raid controller on the mobo. The installer failed to find the two disks in raid, which i had set up in the bios?. It just saw them as two separate disks. Well, this caused me to search the mail archives, and low and behold I found out that this in fact software raid not hardware raid. I was realy shocked. I mean it seems hard to find a mobo without ide raid. I feel it's very misleading by mobo manufacturers. I don't know much about raid controllers so I hope I'm not making a mistake here... Has anyone else found this to be true? -- jack_morgan
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