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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: Request for advice on how to hire bi-lingual developers in Tokyo
- Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 17:15:47 +0900
- From:
- Subject: [tlug] Re: Request for advice on how to hire bi-lingual developers in Tokyo
> This is good advice. I, for one, would be much more likely to > respond to an ad with such details. Not to mention the fact that by > including this information, candiadtes can more readily ascertain if > they are a good fir for the job, saving you time that would > otherwise be wasted in an interview. > > Brett wrote: > > > I suggest you give more information about the technical > > environment of the job, this is a common failing with technical > > job ads. (As a self appointed spokesman for) most technical people > > are more interested in the technical environment than the company > > itself. In a sense you've stated your own requirements without > > addressing the candidates. What operating systems, database, > > etc. I'd want to see location (not just Tokyo) a salary range and > > any other benefits too. Good suggestions. Unfortunately the text of the online job description is not directly under my control but let me fill in a little more information here. I don't mean to usurp this mailing list for recruitment purposes but I am conscious of the fact that the members of this list probably know a lot of people in the Tokyo area who might be interested in this job. Company background: FactSet is an online financial data integration and dissemination company - akin to a Reuters or a Bloomberg, but much smaller and still growing fast. We don't collect data ourselves but rather host and integrate data that we source from other financial data companies. As such we are a software company first and formost and the working environment reflects that. We are based in the US but have offices in several countries around the world including the UK, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Australia and of course Japan. Most of our development is done in the US but in recent years we have been pursuing a strategy of establishing development teams in the main geographies where we sell our service (i.e. the UK and now Japan). Our Tokyo office is in Toranomon equidistant from Toranomon and Kamiyacho subway stations. Technology: Our technology is mostly in-house. Our data centers (all in the US) are primarily OpenVMS clusters running on Compaq Alpha Server hardware but we also have a significant installation of Sun Solaris machines and Windows boxes serving various functions. This heterogenious mix is intregrated using a variety of technologies, some commercial (eg Tibco) and some in-house. We don't use commercial database products to host our data (no Oracle or Sybase) but rather use our own home-grown databases and analytic data libraries that are designed and optimized for each specific dataset that we host. Our main product is a fully featured financial data analysis tool. The architecture consists of a thin Windows client which serves the role of communications layer and GUI toolkit (a bit like an X server but different) and a fat server process where all the application logic actually lives alongside the databases. The client and server can connect in a variety of ways but most commonly it is through a private TCP/IP wide area network that we provide and manage throughout the world. Development environment: Development is primarily done on OpenVMS but there is also some on Solaris and Windows. The main development tool for the databases, data engines and applications is C++ but we also employ a lot of Perl code for production processing and utilities. We are also utilizing XML/XSL and Microsoft's new .Net stuff in some projects. Scope of the position: Worldwide we have 100+ developers but here in Tokyo we currently have one (me). The rest of our Tokyo office is made up of sales, marketing and support staff - about 22 in all. I was moved out here from the UK to hire and train a local development team to be our eyes, ears and hands (excuse the metaphor) in the Asia Pacific market. The role I'm currently looking to fill is that of my first engineer. This will initially be a development job but in two years time I fully expect the person I hire to be the manager of the team based here in Tokyo working in concert with our development teams in the UK and the US. As such the person I hire will need to be an excellent communicator as well as an excellent software engineer. Salary and benefits: Competitive and based on experience. Alan Davies Manager of Software Engineering FactSet Pacific Inc Tel: +81 3 5512 7797 Cell: +81 90 4660 8404 Fax: +81 3 5512 7701 Mail: > This is good advice. I, for one, would be much more likely to > respond to an ad with such details. Not to mention the fact that by > including this information, candiadtes can more readily ascertain if > they are a good fir for the job, saving you time that would > otherwise be wasted in an interview. > > Brett wrote: > > > I suggest you give more information about the technical > > environment of the job, this is a common failing with technical > > job ads. (As a self appointed spokesman for) most technical people > > are more interested in the technical environment than the company > > itself. In a sense you've stated your own requirements without > > addressing the candidates. What operating systems, database, > > etc. I'd want to see location (not just Tokyo) a salary range and > > any other benefits too. > > > > Brett > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "Alan Davies" <> > > To: <> > > Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 5:21 PM > > Subject: [tlug] Request for advice on how to hire bi-lingual > > developers in Japan > > > > > > > > > > Hello, > > > > > > I am the manager of a new software engineering group within my > > > company in Tokyo and I am looking to fill this position ... > > > > > > > > > > > > So far I have not had much success in my search by way of online > > > job sites such as Can anyone offer advice > > > on the best way to plug in to the bi-lingual development > > > community in Tokyo find good candidates. > > > > > > Thanks for any help you can offer. > > > > > > Regards > > > > > > Alan Davies > > > Manager of Software Engineering > > > FactSet Pacific Inc > > > Tel: +81 3 5512 7797 > > > Cell: +81 90 4660 8404 > > > Fax: +81 3 5512 7701 > > > Mail: > > >
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