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Re: [tlug] disk configuration: drive mounting

>>>>> "JG" == Josh Glover <> writes:

    JG> Chris is right on, as usual. One problem with the recently
    JG> growing popularity of GNU/Open Source (tongue firmly in cheek,
    JG> there) is the attitude of people who switch from Windows and
    JG> then proceed to get pissed at the community that *gave* them
    JG> an alternative to Microsoft because things are "hard" or
    JG> "don't make sense". If they instead took the attitude that
    JG> Linux / BSD / AtheOS / whatever is a great platform, but a few
    JG> things could be made easier, and then made suggestions to the
    JG> developers (in a reasonable tone of voice, of course), there
    JG> would be less tension.

I'm sure it's _not_ where we want it to go. We'd like to protect linux
from the attitude of those people (but it may well be only a wishful
thinking). If they want gui to edit a text file, unix is not their
system, period. ( emacs run inside X a gui???)

Viktor "who wanted his linux box to serve all his family not long ago
and now is looking at those new shiny iMacs (at least they run bsd
kernel:)" Pavlenko [1]

[1] Chris, you're famous:)

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