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Re: [tlug] raw cd copy

Yeah. I've used both. XCdroast just gives you a warm feeling inside right.
Like baking your own chestnuts and getting hungry waiting for the goods
or going to a shita machi vendor and getting them in a plain white paper
bag right...

That's amazing he did that. God. There are so many intelligent people
in the linux arena. I have to watch my step... ;-0)

Anyone out there who wants to have a beer and talk about router security.
Id love to buy someone a beer(S) who can help me!

> >>>>> "Scott" == Scott McLennan <> writes:
>     Scott> It seems from Chris's signature that he doesnt like the GUI
>     Scott> aspect of things...
> Chris has nothing against GUIs, he's an XFree86 developer.
> I used to use Xcdroast, but I found that it generally didn't do what I
> wanted any quicker than mkisofs.  YMMV.
> --
> Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
> University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573
>               Don't ask how you can "do" free software business;
>               ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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