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[tlug] follow-on to backup


Now that backup is the main topic today, I have a question too.
Is there such a tool that will zero out all the bytes on the harddisk
which don't belong to any files. I mean the free space on the partiton.
I guess this is pretty much dependent on the fs type.
If there is, I would rather use bzip2 and compress the partition itself
and getting about the same sized archive than tar.bz2-ing the files
Or is my thinking flawed?

Last time I used tar to backup files under /usr it created an archive
that was bigger than what I could burn on a cd, so I spitted /usr to
separte archives (like /usr/share -> usr_share.tar.bz2). But when the
time came to restore the filesystem from the tar files it failed for
some files, some binaries were missing under /usr/bin, and I supposed
these were due to hardlinks, but wasn't sure (maybe I missed one option
to tar).
Anyway, I just found a site at and reading
through might give a few ideas.


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