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- To: "hatsuhiro" <>
- Subject: Re: boot error
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 17:46:11 +0900
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>>>>> "hoshino" == Inc Hatsuhiro <> writes: hoshino> Every rescue floppy I have says: hoshino> Kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 03:01 Presumably that is because the "rescue floppy" (what you have is most likely merely a boot floppy) expects to find a working installed system on /dev/hda1. Make a note to get a real rescue floppy, one that comes with a root file system including "the usual set of utilities" either on floppy or to be installed in an initrd. I think highly of the NetBSD install floppies, but that's a little weird for a Linux shoshinsha. Tom's root-boot is quite famous. Debian's setup/rescue + initrd disk set (2 floppies) has never failed me. There must be other good ones. If the archive search is working, we had a thread about this in the Spring. Make several copies.... hoshino> It seems a problem about file systems. Unlikely if you are booting to install. A correctly functioning install CD-ROM should be able to cope with anything but broken hardware[1]. At the very least in the standard Windows fashion: reformat the disk and get rid of anything that's in its way! Normally quite a bit more flexibly.... hoshino> Even I tried an old bootable CD-ROM of Slackware 3.6 and hoshino> its boot floppies I was familier with. What error messages did those give? Note that your boot floppy behaved quite differently from your CD-ROM. If the Slack CD-ROM gave the same error as the one you're trying to install, then probably your CD-ROM drive is broken. hoshino> Again, my purpose is simply to boot Linux normally from a hoshino> CD-ROM. Give me chips of help. Your CD-ROM is probably defective, or the CD-ROM drive is. The fact that the posters who told you so were unaware that it is a CD-ROM (and not installed to a hard drive yet) does not change the logic. The crc error probably comes from zlib: the kernel itself hasn't even started yet. Try the CD-ROM in a different machine. You may have other problems as well, but they would likely be hardware problems, not the state that the hard disk was in from installing Windose and uninstalling it. Full information about the errors and/or other failures of the different things you tried would help. Footnotes: [1] This includes the normal operating behavior of Promise Ultra add-on controllers, IMO. But recent kernels can handle even that. -- University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091 _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ What are those straight lines for? "XEmacs rules."
- References:
- boot error
- From: "hatsuhiro" <>
- Re: boot error
- From: "hatsuhiro" <>
- Re: boot error
- From: "hatsuhiro" <>
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