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TLUG mailing list mechanics

A reminder...  to post to the tlug mailing list YOU MUST BE
SUBSCRIBED to either the tlug list itself, the tlug-digest
version, or the magic tlug-post list.

If you want to post to the list from addresses in addition to
your subscription delivery access, please subscribe those
addresses to the dummy tlug-post list.  You will not receive
any Email from that list, but the tlug-post member addresses
are allowed to send mail to the main list.  Subscribe just like
subscribing to the main list:  send mail to with the subject: subscribe

Failure to post from a subscribed address means I am the only
one that gets to read your post.  While I'm flattered, that
probably isn't what you had in mind.


Jim Tittsler
Kanto Computer Calendar
Tokyo PC Users Group

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