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- Subject: Re: round 2
- From: Jake Morrison <>
- Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 03:03:45 -0700 (PDT)
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Peter, --- Peter Evans <> wrote: > Me: > > > I type XFree86 and Enter. > > > Wowee, grafix! I get a gray screen with an X cursor. > > > What am I supposed to do with this? > > Ah, digging around in my book about RH 6.2 suggested hitting > Ctrl-Alt-BS. That worked. > (Incidentally, I think it's a pity that, unlike RH 6.2, > RH 7.1 agrees with the IBM/Fujitsu suits that the key next to "A" is > CapsLock and that the useful Ctrl is hidden away in a corner.) You can fix this with "xmodmap". There is an example of doing this in the manpage. This is one of the reasons people like X Windows -- you can configure it the way you want. It is also one of the reasons people dislike it -- everything is configurable, and you have to learn more than you ever wanted to know in order to set things up.... > > startx bombed out with the charming message > > "Fatal server error: No valid modes found" > > Sure enough, a look at the logfile revealed no modes. I wanted (and > had attempted to set) 800x600, but read Post the logfile, it may give us some clues. > > "SVGA mode '800x600' needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted." > > Well, hey, sorry, but I specified 37.8 kHz; as this is what both the > manual and > (note 3) say. Why should 800x600 need 48.08 kHz -- or how might I > tell X that it doesn't need this? > > And another small point: Although I told the installation procedure > that I had a generic three-button mouse, I read that I have a > five [!] button mouse. Should I worry? It's not really a problem. It just means that the wheel mouse won't work until you get it configured properly (which is generally not very hard). > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > Peter Evans > Unfortunately, I have already deleted the mails from the last pass where we figured out what chipset was in your hardware.... I think you may want to generate a new XF86Config-4 file from scratch (save the old ones...). You can use xf86config to make one. SuperProbe may be useful for figuring out settings. Regards, Jake __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
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- From: Peter Evans <>
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