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RE: Off-Topic Rant on ./, KDE, et al. (was: Re: CD-ROM drive)

well when I'm playing EQ and my friends use the british spellings, I usually
respond in kind, although I put brackets around the extraneous stuff, or
somesuch.  ie:

Hey, look at the colo(u)r of that orc over there in the centre(sic)!

it's usually good for a laugh or two. :)

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: Off-Topic Rant on ./, KDE, et al. (was: Re: CD-ROM drive)

Scott Stone <> in his non-U fashion laboured:

>> no, the spellings aren't anti-american per se, but most of the people
that i
>> know that insist on using the extraneous "U" and such, ARE anti-american.

Well, most people I know use "u" spellings, and very few of them are 

When it comes to "insisting" on particular spellings, the most insistent
people I have encountered are Americans. I know from long experience
that when I write an article or paper for an American journal or
magazine, either the editors will delete the `u's, change the centres to
centers, etc. or they will return the draft with instructions on how it
*must* be spelt. Even proper nouns have to be changed.

We usually, as a matter of courtesy, print material by Americans as they
wrote it, but that process is rarely reciprocated.

Jim Breen  []
Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of 
Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
+81 3 5974 3880         [$B%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(B@$BEl5~30Bg(B]

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