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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: Partition size
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- Subject: Re: Partition size
- From: Josh Glover <>
- Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:45:36 -0400 (EDT)
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Quoting Liton <>: > What is the best size for a swap partition? In the manual > book that I have says 64 MB. Does it always have to be 64 > MB? Here's your freebie: A good rule of thumb to use when calculating the size of your swap partition is to take the amount of physical memory you have (RAM), and multiply by two. Use the following equation: s = 2r where s == the size, in whatever unit you prefer, and r == the amount of physical memory you have. Now, the more pressing issue. Are you familiar with the RTFM program? It is a great tool for learning how to use Linux. Here is all you have to do: ln -s /usr/bin/man /usr/bin/rtfm Now, anytime you have a question about a program, say "echo", for example, type: rtfm echo into the nearest text (or X, RTFM works under X now!) console. Another really good tool is grep. Use it like so. When you have a really general question that you want to post to this list, and you just don't feel like using RTFM, try: cat [keywords in your question] | grep "question that is not in the RTFM database" For a little enlightenment (actually, AfterStep is a better window mangler, in my opinion), $ yes means: ($ is the old-school prompt), and yes is a program that, according to RTFM, does the following: NAME yes - output a string repeatedly until killed SYNOPSIS yes [OPTION]... [STRING]... It turns out, after some further reading, that the only two options that yes takes both disable it: --help and -- version, which print something and exit. You see, yes just prints strings. So, the following: :; yes RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility just prints: RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility RTFM is a powerful and user-friendly utility and so on, until you hit Ctrl-C or kill yes from another terminal, or Ctrl-Z it, or reboot your system... Happy computing! --------------------------------------------------- "No segfault, no problem." Josh Glover ---------------------------------------------------
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Partition size
- From: "SN_Diamond" <>
- Re: Partition size
- From: "Liton" <>
- References:
- Partition size
- From: "Liton" <>
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