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Re: Apache rotate log config option is where?

>I would hesitate to hack logrotate, as it may be used for other stuff
>(e.g. rolling system logs).

I would be hacking logrotate per se. Just making a seperate conf file for 
apache where it would be told to use SIGUSR1 instead of HUP.

>Sounds like poor error handling in the client programs.


>Are the
>clients in Perl? The error handling in the Perl libnet library has
>traditionally been pretty weak.

Don't know. The clients are Net Appliance NetCache cache servers.

>The httpd children can also wait around quite a while before
>timing out on a bad connection (10 minutes, say).

In this case they actually don't ever time out ... I just end up with a 
zombie. (I use the term zombie but they do respond properly to a kill 
command). I end up with four things actually:

- the perl script I use to tell the client to start requestuing files using 
HTTP GETs one by one ... it's still in the process list but obviously 
somethings wrong.
- a hung client ...
- one or more httpd children I assume belong to the connection request by 
the now hung client
- a cron job waiting to send me the result of the output of my perl script 
which hasn't finished. When I kill the perl script I get my output file 
emailed, but of course it is incomplete.

>Having lots of slow clients can really consume resources on a web
>server, as each one requires a httpd for the duration.

So true ...

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