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RE: AMD 1 gig + and Linux

well, I've been running an AMD761/VIA686B for a few weeks now, no problems.
Make sure you get the latest bios upgrades and such.  and get the patch from

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: B0Ti []
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: AMD 1 gig + and Linux

Glenn Evanish wrote:

> Is there anyone who could take a minute to say "Hey, no sweat.  I run Red
> Hat on a 1 gig Athlon with Asus XXX board" or "Stay away from the XX
> or whatever?  I want to upgrade this machine but it's got to be Linux
> compatible.

If you've read the previous thread about the via chipset bug, you'll know
which boards to avoid (with the via686b southbridge).
I also remember the case with a specific type of motherboard (was it asus?)
that was said to be linux incompatible at the time it came out, but I'm sure
it's solved now.
It's recommended that you check out hardware sites and read about the
motherboard you want to buy. At least that's what I do after having spent
money on useless (under linux at least) hardware a few times.


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